Welcome to The Present! A self-help website about being, staying and living in the here and now.

On Nature

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Why hiding from nature is unnatural

Although it seldom feels like it, humans are still adapted to be in nature.

It can be difficult to remember this while sitting in a clean and closed-off room somewhere in the city after driving to it from another, equally as clean and close-off one. The whole day our contact to nature may only consist of overwatering our chronically dry houseplants and trying not to slip on fallen leaves. But despite this, lush green trees outside and the chirping of birds has a hugely positive impact on our mood and productivity.

Evolutionarily our caveman instincts tell us that lush vegetation means that there is plenty of food, the splashing of running water ensures us that we won’t go thirsty and the sound of rain or birds soothes our flight-of-flight impulse, as there likely isn’t a predator near.

Even just pictures of nature and landscapes can help those in hospitals leave earlier. Caring for a small desk plant reduces some work-anxiety. And listening to nature sounds can help us be more productive when working.

Having said all this, that is no replacement for actually being in and experiencing nature. A relaxed stroll through a nearby forest or meadow, soaking in the sounds and smells of nature is a great way to relax after a stressful day and to let your thoughts refocus from the next day’s work to the here and now.

Look if there isn’t a park or piece of nature near you that you’d like to explore.

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