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Botox against Anxiety?

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How your face dictates your emotions

When we experience strong emotions, we usually show it in our face. Be it joy, sadness or concern, usually we can tell pretty well what others are feeling. But, to a certain extent, it works the other way ‘round as well. Our facial expressions can influence how we feel. Since our emotions and facial expression are so closely linked, a change in one triggers a change in the other. Thus, smiling more and putting on a ‘happy face’ can help us when trying to alter our mood for the better.

Of course, just smiling won’t bring us immediate, everlasting happiness, but reminding ourselves to smile can, together with targeted positive thoughts, shorten those periods when we really don’t feel like smiling. This also doesn’t mean that everyone should go around smiling like a crazy person. Simply looking in the mirror, smiling and reminding yourself that the difficult situation is temporary and of what things you can be grateful for is enough.

It may feel odd to start but finding small things to smile about can be enjoyable and soothe those worry-wrinkles on our foreheads. These wrinkles are also often targeted by Botox injections, with the side effect of lowering levels of anxiety. Once again illustrating the close connection between our facial expressions and our mental state.

Now, there is no need for you to go out and get Botox treatment, you’re beautiful as you are, but maybe trading in those worry-wrinkles for smile lines is something that will help your mental health.

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