Welcome to The Present! A self-help website about being, staying and living in the here and now.

Category: Uncategorized

  • Botox against Anxiety?

    Botox against Anxiety?

    How your face dictates your emotions When we experience strong emotions, we usually show it in our face. Be it joy, sadness or concern, usually we can tell pretty well what others are feeling. But, to a certain extent, it works the other way ‘round as well. Our facial expressions can influence how we feel.… Read more

  • On Boredom

    On Boredom

    Why being bored is better than you think Do you remember what it’s like to be bored? Really, really bored, without your phone or a book or the radio playing? Was it on a long train- or car-ride as a kid, or during one of those math classes that seemed to stretch on forever? Well,… Read more

  • On Nature

    On Nature

    Why hiding from nature is unnatural Although it seldom feels like it, humans are still adapted to be in nature. It can be difficult to remember this while sitting in a clean and closed-off room somewhere in the city after driving to it from another, equally as clean and close-off one. The whole day our… Read more

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more