Welcome to The Present! A self-help website about being, staying and living in the here and now.

Breathing Exercises

Since our very first moments we have been breathing, continuously and without a break. As sure as our heart beats we breathe. But other than our heartbeat, we can control our breathing. The small lever in our minds can flip from ‘automatic’ to ‘manual’, just like right now.

Here we have this superpower to control something as constant as our heartbeat. Yet we rarely take advantage of it, most of our breathing is automatic. This can be beneficial, for example the big gulps of air we gasp for after diving or running or working out. At the same time it can be detrimental, when we are anxious or scared our shallow and quick breathing only contributes to those feelings.

With these exercises you can take control over your breath again. Any of them can help you relax your body, arrive in the present and be more ready for the future.
